Library Projects
Strong Schools Community Collaborative (SSCC) is involved with 5 under-resourced schools in the Helderberg area. One of the greatest challenges of these schools is literacy. The COVID 19 pandemic had a great negative impact on grade 1 to 3’s learners’ ability to read. The reality is that many of these kids cannot read and/or read with comprehension.

Literacy is one of SSCC's focus areas and objectives. The absence of school libraries hurts teaching and learning. It is a fact that reading is essential in education and learners who reads perform much better in school.
Two of our Support Hub schools have non-functional libraries. A librarian position is a non- Department of Education position, and the reality of a non-fee school is that the Governing Body cannot provide funds for a librarian. The teachers in the schools did try to manage the library themselves, but because this is a full-time position it is not sustainable, and the teachers do not have the capacity to run the library efficiently.
SSCC piloted a library project successfully at Dr. GJ Joubert Primary School. See the Story of Hope Video With the help of the community and businesses we want to come alongside Christmas Tinto Primary School and ACJ Phakade Primary School and duplicate this model to help the schools to change their existing libraries into functional and sustainable libraries.
How to get involved
- We need volunteers to help catalog and cover books with plastic.
- Funding to provide the necessary stationery to restore and cover the books.
- Funding for the training of a librarian.
- Funding for furnishing the libraries.
- Donations of suitable books for grade R to grade 7.
Contact us for more information