Dr GJ Joubert Primary School

Principal: Ms T. Fanie
Grade: 1-7
Total Learners: 1285
Total Educators: 38
Location: Strand


Bemagtig ons Skoolgemeenskap vir die Toekoms. / Empower our School Community for the Future.

Uitkoms-gebaseerde onderrig wat sal lei tot kreatiwiteit en selfstandigheid.

Tradisionele opvoeding waarvan hardwerkendheid, volharding, respek en lojaliteit karaktervormend sal wees.


Dit gaan ons bereik deurdat ons as leerinstansie vir die personeel, leerders en ouers die leergeleenthede gaan skep tot verdere ontwikkeling en groei.

Die Nasionale kurrikulum te onderrig as deurgang tot ‘n kreatiewe primêre opleiding.

Lewensbeginsels van integriteit, analitiese denke, kreatiewe oplossings met goeie verhoudings te kweek by leerders en opvoeders.

The school operates as a no-fee WCED institution to ensure education is accessible to all learners.

Extracurricular Activities: Drum majorettes, rugby, cross-country, chess, netball, and soccer (which was introduced in 2024).

Arts & Programs: Our students actively participate in events like the Eisteddfod and the WOW Spelling Festival (Words Open Worlds).

Community Service: Our school is dedicated to community service, from hosting EPW (Expanded Public Workers) who assist with school cleaning and grounds maintenance to sponsoring toiletries for Sencit Resthaven, a home for the elderly.


Our drum majorettes have been crowned Boland Champs of Champs.

Our choral verse groups consistently excel, achieving Gold Plus (Grade 7) and Cum Laude (Grades 2, 3, and 5).

One of our Grade 2 learners, Rihano, advanced to the provincial WOW Spelling Competition, reaching an impressive Round 12.

Facilities: The school offers a sick bay, a school hall and netball courts.